Interactive Books ( IBOOK )

E Microlearn operates on development the Palestinian School Curriculum, as advanced company for the improvement of Distance Education through converting the textbooks into Interactive books via the Internet, and the student learning into enjoyable & simulated experience. IBOOK is the trademark of the curriculum arm of MicroLearn, As a consequence of the combined creativity & dedicated work of many Palestinian talents in the fields of information technology, education, management, graphic design, and other relevant support disciplines, Which took several years to develop.
The most recent and significant partnership between eMicroLearnn and Paltel Group in Palestine has given the company a strong platform to reach a wider audience of the school community throughout Palestine, supporting its ambition to become the leading provider of supportive education by offering an affordable and accessible service through a flexible educational model with highly exciting interactive learning material content for each lesson and topic. By using our digital system and learning tools, students can learn more easily and enjoyably, develop a fundamental understanding of the subjects, and enhance their academic performance. eMicroLearn will keep investing in digital transformation in the education and training industry, With ambitions to complete the Palestinian curriculum for all grades, promote, and grow regionally.
IBOOK specialize in digitizing education and turning curricula into interactive curricula with the goal of elevating the educational learning process to the highest level, developing students' capacities, raising the level of achievement, and breaking the rigidity of indoctrination by providing elements of suspense and reinforcement based on student-centered learning theory by enhancing the textbook with interactive and enriching activities.
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